Sunday, October 30, 2016

May 1863

May 1863
May 5, 1863
Murffresbro May the 5th – 63
Dear Kate I received your to day was glad to here you and the children was well Was sorry to here that mother and William was still sick I hope you next letter will inform me of their being better I am well as comon My cold is better I have no news to write at present, the lumber that Jonathan got cost me five cts a foot in Cincinati and it is worth five and a half at the shop I think I informed you of this in a letter I wrote you last winter I sent a letter by Joseph Bard but never new wether yu got it or not I also sent one by Chales Harvey and I sent one by Dunlarvy Perhaps it was in one of those letters and you never got them If you ever wrote to me about having my likeness taken I forgotten it as soon as I can get a change I will get my likness and send it to you or come myself I expect that will do as well Perhaps it would be ore exceptable I shall come home before long I think
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I think perhaps I will get a furlow before long I expect to get to the regiment soon Capt West went home last week He had leave for twelve days I think its my turn next You will see me some of theas days I think before long but I dont look to strong for things is very uncertain in time of war Tell the the children to be good children and when I come home I will bring them something nice, I send you three rings and a heart made of shells from Stone River which was the battle ground the lightest one id for you and the next lightest is mine The other you can do as you pleas with The heart is for you I got a letter from Lieutenant Critors which stated that the boys was all well and that Mrs Colonel Kenneth and Mrs James Thompson Mrs Lynder Mrs Bodkin and Mrs Foose had just started for home The has been there for several days Capt West went with them Did you ever get the money for that order on St Jons Docket It was five dollars I got it from Tilet Cartright
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I asked you one before about that act on the old man Mathews the old Englishman I dont believe I ever charged him with the coffin If I did not the act is ten dollars If he has not paid it you can charge it and collect it as soon as you can for he is moving about and there is no telling where he will go I have asked you several ties about the herse, I guess you forgot to right about it No more this time but remain your effectonta Husband
T Thompson
to Catherine Thompson
my respects to all
       My Thoughts
     Letter Condition - This letter was was written with a good pen and quality ink.   There is some bleed throughj indicating possible damp conditions but not enough to effect readability.

May 8, 1863
       Sunday morning May the 8th / 63
Dear Kate   I write you this morning to let you now that I am well We are in camp eleven miles south west of Dalton The wether is very warm at this time It is the general impresion that we will not meet with the enemy in force at Dalton We have about one hundred and twenty thousand men marching on that place I think you had better buy three acres of that land or at least to the center of the street if you can get it for one hundred dollars per acre
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see Elis Runyan and see what asks for his I would rather have the Morslioch lot
Your effectonat Husband
T Thompson
       My Thoughts
     Letter Condition - Written in pencil that was not sharpened enough.   The letters were written large enough that this doesn't matter.

May 19, 1863
Murfreesboro   May the 19th - 63
Dear Companion   I received yours of the 14th to day   Was glad to here you was all well except John and I am glad to here he is better   I am well and doing very well   I am on duty every day and have been ever since I have been here,   I expect to return to the Regiment as soon as Colonel Kenneth returns to the Regiment   I supose he has my commision for First Lieutant and will send it to me as soon as he returns and I supose he will return sometime this week   Capt West informed me that the Colonel told him that I was promted   So I supose it is so   The provibility is I will be assigned to Company D Capt Kites Company   I would have liked to of stayed in my owh Company but I supose its all right   I am sorey to here of the death of Anna Hill   I think was a fine young woman   I hope she is going to a better pace   World of wars and trouble,   as soon as I get back to the Regiment I think I will come home   I think there is no doubt but I will get a furlow   I am very anxious to visit you if only for a few days   I would like to have a leave for about thirty days but dont expect to get more that half of it   The news list is blank at this time   I am glad to here that William is so he can plow   I supose
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the farmers are about done planting corn   I understant you have had a very early spring   I would like to see some wheat and other crops growing   I have not saw any wheat this spring njor any corn planted nor any oats sowed   There is no fences in this section of country   We are cutting down all the timber within a mile of the fortifications and perhaps we will tear down several very good houses   This is in order to clear every thing away so as we have range for the gins   I will close for this time   Give my respects to all, I remain truly you effectonat Companion
T Thompson
P. S. You dont hardly keep more stamps   I average almost a letter every day
       My Thoughts
    Letter Condition - The pen and ink seem to be of good quality bug the paper is very poor.   It has discolored badly over the years.

May 24, 1863
Murfreesboro   May the 24th - 63
     Dear Companion   I received yours of the 19th yesterday   Was glad to here that you was all well   I am well as comon and I hope when you receive this you may all be still enjoying good health   I received my commision a few days ago and had writen to the Colonel to ask my supiriours to releive me from duty here   I cant tell how soon I will be releived   I have no doubt if was at the regiment I would get to come home and I think I will any how but I dont want to come until I bow whether I am to join my regiment of not   If they dont send me to my regiment I will resign and come home for I considered that I am entitled to some say about this matter and I will have it   Those papers you sent me I got, I am asigned to Company D Capt. Kaies Company as for money I am very near straped   St John was here on last Thursday   Gus Morrow was with him   I got ten dollars of him   It cost me about twenty dollars to come here and set up house keeping   I have paid money for every thing, I have never got any new clothes yet which I will have soon   I think perhaps I can get some money here, if I dont get to come home   I must send and get some clothes but am in hopes I will get to come home soon   If I come I want to get a news suit of clothes out and out if I get to come home I will
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have to borrow some to come on which I guess I can do it is almost time for the mail to go   I must close    Good by for this time   Write as often as you can, give my respects to one and all
From your effectonate Companion
Thorton Thompson
       My Thoughts
     Letter Condition - Good pen and Ink but poor paper.   Aged very dark over the years.

May 26, 1863
Fayell C. W. Va   May the 26   1863
Dear Cousin
       Yours of came to hand some time since bu owing to the presure of the times I could not answer sooner   We have had some fighting since your letter cane to hand   It has kept me buisy for near a week   Our loses is very small   The rebel loss is small also we had one man killed in our comp and six or eight wounded in other Cos in the Regt   The 91st Regt have some wounded also Butman
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killed the _______ of the man that was killed in our comp, was _______ Mr Grimes, he was from Morton Town   He was a Sergt and a very fine young man   He was the only child that his father and mother had living,   Andy Thompson Jake Dockett asked the other boys from our town are well,   I spoke to El____ about that money he said that he would _____ to _____ a few _____ he _______ you know then what he _____ _____ I dont know any thing about his buisnes though I think I think he called pay you if he would try how ever he will  
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be able to tell you more about that than I am able to tell you   We was paid to day for two months but that will not amount to much for most of the boys owe the largest portons of their   Tell Severis Ely that I have not forgot the makings of them shells yet   I will make that all night after a while
     Well Katy   As I am not very well today you will have to excuse this very poor land short letter   I have got the sore throte and sore mouth   Also my best wishes to you and your family
J Hacket
Write soon
       My Thoughts
     Letter Condition - The pen used was badly worn or damaged.   Heavy ink blums on the downstroke make reading this letter hard.

May 27, 1863
Murfeesboro   May the 27th - 63
Dear Companion   I received yours of of the 24th to day   Was glad to here that you was all well   I also received one from John Hitsman to day which was dated on the 26th which stated you was all well   I am sory to her that William is still unwell I beleve that he will not be able to do much this summer, I think he ough to be very carful of himself   I am well as comon and I think perhaps I will return to my regiment in a few days.   The Colonel has asked that I shall be releived and he will send another in my place   The order was received here a day or two ago and is fift to the Comander of the Batalion and I think he will releive me in a few days   It has been reining since last evening and is thundering and raining still   General Rosencrans reserved our Brigade this afternoon   I supose we have much the largest Brigade in this department   We have about 2400 men besides the Compainies of Pontoons one building and two Companies of Calvery   We had all teh Pontoon carts which made quite a fine example the General complemented us very much   The general looks fine and is a good looking officer
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before I am paid   Perhaps I will not get any pay for four months and it may be longer on account of being mustered here for pay   The last time, if I get it of him I want you to send the amount to his wife in Wetborough   I will let you now in my next letter   I will have to have some nice clothing of some kind soon   So if I get the money of him I will have some money to come home on if I get a furlow without you sending it to me and he will run no risk of sending it home   I received a letter from Elmor Codinton a few days ago and he said as soon as he was paid he would send the money to you   I wrote to him to send it to his mother and she could pay it to you and get the note   The boys are all well there   I look for another letter from Andy in a few days and also one form John Hacket, I want you to have the children to attend school as regular and you can when they are sell   I want to have them all to have a good education if it is possible   I you to take care of yourself and not work two hard, and if you work out a doors I want you to were your bonnett and gloves, I would rather you would hire some one to tend the garden if you can get anyone   I think I will be home this next month to stay with you a few days at least
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We are a going to move our camp tomorow if it dont storm to bad   I would not be surprised of this Batallion would stay here for three months yet   Ther is a prospect being paid soon for two months if St John and Mr Morrow called on me last week   I think I wrote this in my other letter   I received a letter from John Ely yesterday   The boys are all well   I received a letter from the Regiment to day   They are still at Gallatin and the boys are all well   I am assigned to Company D    I beleive I wrote this also, I received a letter from Geo Hitesman yesterday, I guess he will except of a position in my Colored Regiment as soon as I get it organised   I will send for him   I look for another from him ib a few days   We are stil working on fortifications, and cuting down timber   We are a going to cut all the timber within one mile of the fortifications clean   There was a great deal of timber here and some very nice timber that we are using it up very fast   We have four sawmills running at this time   Sawing lumber of all kinds this is quite a place for business   At this time if St John comes home soon pay him ten dollars which I got of him when he was here and I dont now but I may get some money if a man that lives in Westborough if I go to the Regiment before I get my pay for if I go before 
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I will write to you and let you now when I come so you can meet me at the train   I supose Grant is in a position of Vicksburg at this time if he has not been driven back which I hope is not the case but I fear it is the case   A few days will tell the storey if Grant is driven back to the Misippi I would not be suprised if this army did not move for five months   We are safe here against any number the rebs can bring and I think we will stay here untill we have men enough to make a sure thing of whiping Bragg and capture his army.   I will close for this time as it is getting late, good by   I will answer John letter in a day or two   We will be very busy a moving camp for two days   We move about a 1/4 of a mile in a nice grove of timber
My respects to one and all
Your effectonate husband
T Thompson
Catherin Thompson
       Historical Note;
     Colored Regiment - Properly called United States Colored Troops or U.S.C.T's.   As during the Civil War there were no Black officers in the standing army, white Officers were offered promotions if they transferred to U.SC.T. Regiments.
       My Thoughts
    Letter Condition - The pen was a good one.   The ink was either poor or faded over the years.   Paper was ruled to be folded in half.   Envelope was addressed, Mr. T Thompson, Butlerville, Warren Co., Ohio.   Stamp was placed in upper right hand corner and postmark was June 1, 1863 at Nashville, Tenn.

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