Sunday, October 30, 2016

April 1864

April 1864

April 6, 1864
Apr the 6th / 64
Dear Kate I received yours of the 2ond to day and glad to learn that the children are all better I am well, this is a very nice day We have had very rainy wether for some days I think Mr Carver act was ($18.00) eighteenh dollars I think I had his note, he brough me a few bushels of corn onece which amounted to four or five dollars I think the balance is ($18) dollars I would like to know if William will attend to taking coffins out for me If he will tell him to write to me as soon as he can I think perhaps I will be there to attend to it myself befor the summer is out My respects to one and all My love to you and the children
T Thompson
I will write to morrow
       My Thoughts
     Letter Condition - Even with runny ink and a poor pen the word formation was large enough to make up for this.   The envelope was made out to Mrs T Thompson, Butlerville, Warren Co., Ohio.   A 3 cent stamp is in the upper left hand corner.   The date of Apr 9 is all that I can make out of the postmark.

April 11, 1864
Camp 79th Regement Apr the 11th / 64
Dear Kate I received yours which was written of the 6th to day I am glad to learn that the children has got along with the measles so well and that you are well I wrote in my letter last week that if John Hitsman had the money I wanted him to buy that lot of Moresbachs for me if he would sell it I want him to buy it if he can and I will have the money for him soon I have enquired of you in two of my letters if Dudley paid you twenty dollars which I sent to you by him which you have forgotten I supose I have not asked him anything about it since he came back and he has never said any thing about it The twenty dollars was that I got of James Picket I think as like or not he used the money and perhaps could not repay it, he came to me and said he was afraid he had not enough money to take him home so I told him he could
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make use of apart of it and he said he would repay it as soon as he got home This is the last I have heard of the twenty dollars I would like to know how much money you have on the book that how much you have credited on the book I supose John is going to be back to his Regiment soon and I will get my coat, James Meek is here to day he is well I have just come off Picket I have been on two days Is the first time I have been on since I have been here, a deserter came to my post yesterday who took the oath and said he cane from Dalton a few days before He informed me that the president amnisty proclusetion had reached their army and the soldiers exulted over it when they received it and he says as soon as the soldiers find that it parduned them they begain to fix plans to deseert He says their forces in our front does not exceed thirty thousand and the Officers admit if we flank them
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they will be obliged to fall back He also says that their army are very much discourtaged and he dosent think the Officers has any confidence in the men to fight This is the same that all deserters tell which is very numerous at this time, we have been changed to the 20 Corps by the consolidation of the 11th and 12th Corpsrd and I supose we will be the reserve corps as our corps holds the railroad from Nashville to Chattanooga I think we have or will have in the next ten days (75000) thousand troops in front of the rebel army and if they dont run away they will all be captured in less than thrity days from this time This is only my opinion I am well and in good spirits and think the rebbelion is verty near to a close Yours effectonat Husband
T Thompson

       My Thougnts
     Letter Condition - Good pen, Ink, and letter formation made this letter easy to read.

April 13, 1864
Camp of the 79th Regiment Aper 13 / 64
Dear Kate
I reeived yours of the 9th to day and am glad to learn that you and the children are as well as you are I have not saw Joseph Himick yet but will see him this evening and inform him of the death of his child
I sent you one hundred dollars yesterday by express also a letter in the same package which you will receive perhaps before you receive this
We are in the 20th Cotrps instead of the 1st as I informed you in my last letter I would not be suprised if we shous stop here for the summer, the duty is light here on men and Officers I have no news of importance to write but I will write almost every day We have a very nice camp we are fixing for review and inspection by General Thomas tomorrow and we will be in fine style as usual for the 79th From your effectonat Husband, My love to you and the children
T Thompson
Is Unkle Charls agoing to be with you or not
       My Thoughts
     Letter Condition - Good pen, ink and word formation made this letter a joy to read.

April 14, 1864
_______ ville W._____ April 14, 64
Dear Sister
       I received your kind word _______ several _______ ego _______ _______ to answer your letter
My health is very good at the present time I hope thase few lines will find you and your family enjoying the same great blessings
       We are hearing _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ re_____ or _______ _______ _______ _____y for the passed 6 weeks _______ it is _______ I _______ clear of sickness _______ the troops there has bee _______ _______ of small pay _______ measles
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there rucy hurt so _______ of measils ___ we times E Caelington has had teh small pox slightly but is getting better so he can go about enjoying It is a great _______ th_____ th_____ _______ more of _____ _______ the _______ far ____ ____ expected ____ selfs a greatr ____ Well sister you say that you want me to _____ home when I get red of the _____ to _____ in the _______ I cab not _______ well I will this letter to a close by ______ you and your family Myt respects to you by ____ the ______
       My Thoughts
     Letter Condition - She writes in a style that looks very neat and good until you try and read it.   She uses an reserved style that elongates her words and distorts the letters.   I'm sure if I had a number of her letters I could figure it out but with only one I'm sorry to say this is the best I can do.

April 17, 1864
Camp 79th Aper the 17th / 64
Dear Kate
I received yours of the 12th of this month I am glad to learn that you and the children are well I am well and I hope that when you receive this you may all still bge enjoying the same blessing The wether is pleasant and the trees begin to put forth, this makes everything appeare somewhat pleasent But still I cant feel as I should feel if I was at home enjoying the society of my famley, which I intend to do as soon as I can possibly This I want you to keep to yourself As for Morsback lot I will not give one hundred dollars an acre for it I would like to have it very well but I wont give that price for it, has Mr Barker sold his farm I have written to you two or three times to know if Mr Dudley had paid you twenty dollars when he was at home I sent twenty dollars by him The shirts you sent me shirts very well I am sorey to learn that there is so much succsess in the neighborhood Major Clemmint has resigned anbd will not return to the
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Regiment again You spoke of Cretors resigning This si the first I ever new of him resigning or having any notion of it He might as well for he has never beenh any bvenifit to the regiment and I think he might as well resign I shall determan very soon whether I will resign or not What do you think about it Where has Hiram Runyan gone to I will send you a reprentation of a book mad of laurel root in a few days by mad
Good by for a short time
My love to you and the children
T Thompson
Catharine Thompson
       My Thoughts
     Letter Condition - Good ink, a fair pen, and poor word formation made this letter hard to read.   The envelope is addressed Catharine Thompson, Butlerville, Warren Co., Ohio.   A 3 cent stamp is in the upper left hand corner and the postmark is dated Apr 20, Nashville, Tenn.

April 30, 1864
Apr the 30th / 64
     Dear Kate   I write you to day to let you now that I am well   We have not had any mail for two days   The reason why I cannot give we may get a mail this afternoon   St John arrived here on last Wednesday   He is not very well there some _____ of this Brigade soon where we will go I cant tell and perhaps we will not move at al   The health of the Regiment is in good healt except some of the new recuits   There is some of them are complaining I see there is some prospect of the volunteer malitia being called out   Dont think if will amount to much if they are   I here that Capt Fox has resibned   I supose you are making garden   It apears very much liker planting corn here but I dont see anyone planting   There is no farming of consiquince going to be done here this season   I hope this will find you all well   My love to you and the children my respects to all the friends
from your effectonat husband
T Thompson

       My Thoughts
     Letter Condition - Good pen and ink with fair word formation and text lines made reading this letter a bit of a workout.

April 30, 1864
Camp 79th OVI
Mauhatchee   Apr   30 / 64
Dear Kate   I received yours of the 22nd yesterday which informs me that the fam is all well except Willies head   I am sorey to learn that it has rode out again
I am well at this time   I have make up my mind to resign or try to in a few days   We will be paid in a few days if we dont move   We muster for pay to day   The paymaster has notified the General that  he will pay the Brigade the first of May   I supose if you have got my letter that I wrote about my coat you will not send it   It may be if Thomas comes here in two or three week I will have him to bring it   If we move I would rather not have it as I will be an encumberance to me on a march   I wrote you yesterday and will write another tomorrow   My love to you and the 
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children   I will write John a letter in a few days
Yours effectionatly
T Thompson
       My Thoughts
     Letter Condition - Good ink, a fair pen and word formation and this letter was easy to read.

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