May 1864
May 3, 1864
Camp 79th OVI in the field
Gordon Mills May the third 1864
Dear Kate We started yesterday morning and arrived here at 3oh after marching 17 miles we are to remain here until further orders We are eight miles from Ringold Our Corps is the right of the army It is my opinion there will not be much of a battle if there is any There is no enemy in front of this wing of the army We stored all of our rations at Chattanooga We had but one wagon for the whole regiment I received a letter from D. N. Clemmer yesterday He proposes to sell me his house and and for $350. and I can pay it when I choose if I will pay six percent interest and he will have the South side of the house and the kitchen covered if it is not already done I think it is cheap enough and if you are willing I will buy it, that will save the troble of moving the shop there as soon as I am able I will _____ _____ store hears and lot them I will have the whole square let me know as soon as you can what you think about it and I will write to him I want him to make the deed to you and you will give him a mortgage on the Pg. 2
I intend to resign as soon as I am paid which will be soon Direct you letters the same My love to you and the children
Your effectonate Husband
T Thompson
My Thoughts
Letter Condition - This letter was written in pencil that wasn't sharpened very often. Thus fading was a problem.
May 5, 1864
Camp 79th O. V. I. May the 5th / 64
Dear Kate We are in camp near Ringold Georga I am
well You may not get this for some days We are in a few miles of
the 17th Regt but I have not leared where they are It is
quite warm here to day but the nights are quite cool I have no news
to write of interest as far as regards the army I fear you will have
some truble to get some one to work in the shops if you can get John
Trap or David Hup to make up a lot of coffins and I supose you can
get some one to take them out Andy will be at home in a few weeks
and they he can attend to it until I come home I intenhd to resign
soon I saw some of the boys from the 17th here a few minutes
ago The Regiment
Pg. 2
is about 12 miles from here They have marching orders
and perhaps will move this afternoon I want to see them before they
move if I can I supose Capt Fox is at home by this time I will
write again soon I have heard that the mail is not runing from
Chattanooga at this time but I dont beleve it From your effectonate
My Love to you and the children
T Thompson
My ThoughtsLetter Condition - I'm not sure if there was a poor pen or thin ink that caused many blums and heavy lines on the downstroke but as he wrote this letter larger than normal is was still easy to read.
Not far from Ringold, Ga. was a rail warehouse depot that General Sherman used as a staging point for his 'March to the Sea.' Here he had in storage was six million dry rations. This would have been army bread (hardtack) coffee and sugar. The Confederats found out about it and the Battle of Allatoona pass was fought over them.
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