June 1863
June 5, 1863
June the 5th
– 63
Kate I received yours of June the 1st
to day It found me well I was glad to here that none of the
family was very sick was sory to here that all are afflicted with
colds I am still here with the Pioner Corps yet It apears to take
some time for any thing to be done in this line The paper, has been
laying here for eight or ten days, the Capt commanding the batalion
is at home on a furlow, the man that is commanding apears to be
wating for him him to return before papers is sent, The order came
to day ordering him to report to his regiment I look for him
tomorrow His time will be up then as soon as he comes I will org
the matter My regiment has come to the front It is as Lavern on
the railroad between here and Nashville they arriged here last
Wednesday the whole brigade is there I see from your letter St John
is as home and has been home since he was here I wanted him to
bring me some things when he went but I supose he will start back
before this reaches home so I will have to wait until
Pg. 2
he gets again If I
dont get to come home before that time I think I will get clear of
this institution soon and then I think I shall perhaps get to visit
you if the prospect is not th good for a fight between this army and
Braggs army There is skirmishing almost every day now with the
enemy Yesterday there was brisk canonating in the direction of
Franklin The particulars I have not learned I supose you will get
them in tomorrow The troops are moving soon for the last few days
but the is not a general movement taken place yet but I would not be
surprised if there would at any time this army is ready at any moment
to move It has been raining almost every day since last Saturday
It is raining tonight This is all the news I have at this I want
you to tell all the children that I want them be good children and
obey you take good care of them and yourself and I will do the best
can for myself and you and them Give Wilie a kiss for me I think
I will soon gbe home to give you a kiss and stay a few days at least
but if I came I dont expect to stay lang enough to do any business
My greatest concern is to see my family Good by for this time
T Thompson
C Thompson
My Thoughts
Letter Condition - Pen and ink of good quality.
The Pioneer Corps supplied the labor force for any major building projects that were needed by the army.
My Thoughts
Letter Condition - Pen and ink of good quality.
The Pioneer Corps supplied the labor force for any major building projects that were needed by the army.
June 9,1863
June 9th
/ 63
Kate I received yours of the 5th
to day Was glad to here you was all well I am well I am still
at this place, My papers was sent to headquarters to day The
change recommended by the commander of this battalion and I supose I
will return to my regiment in a few days which is at Lavern about
fifteen miles from this place between this place and Nashville I
think this army will move in a few days but I supose that the 79th
Regt will stay where it is perhaps for some time I heard from St John to day He is well I am glad to here that you have a good
prospect for vegitables I am glad to here that Alice can read I
would like to here her read very much Tell her to learn to read and
as well as she can against I come home I want John to write me a
letter soon so I can see how well he can write You say Willie is
frequintly calling for me I think if I get to my regiment I will
get to come home soon If I dont I cant tell tell when I will come
I do not expect to draw any pay next time we are paid If we are not
paid before I return to the regiment I think this army will be paid
perhaps in the next two weeks I understand that some of the
paymasters is paying here now it will make no difference if I dont
get paid I can get what money I want from the boys if I get a chance
to come home I have no means to write concerning matters here since I
last wrote
Pg. 2
I expect I shall
return to my regiment in a few days and I will write you you as soon
as I arrive there If I dont before I start they say at headquarters
that my papers may come in two days and they may not come for two
weeks but I think they will come in a few days, My respects to one
and all Tell John Hitsman to write and let me here how he gets
along with the provo business Good by for this time
Catherin Thompson
P.S. The
blackberries is turning read and will soon be ripe here Their is
plenty of them here and there is plenty to get her them
Historical Note;
Provo – This is
the military police properly called Provost Marshal.
My Thoughts
Letter Condition - Good pen and ink used.
My Thoughts
Letter Condition - Good pen and ink used.
June 15, 1863
June the 15th / 63
Lavern 79th Regt O.V.I.
Dear Companion I am well I have just arrived at my Regiment and will now in a few days whether I will get to come home or not I was one day too late to get my pay and will not get paid until the paymaster comes again I will write again in a few daysYours effectonatly
T Thompson
to Thompson
P.S. Direct to Lieut T Thompson
Company B 79th Regt OVI
Via Nashville
My Thoughts
Letter Condition - Pen and ink used was good. Letter written on a half sheet of ruled paper.
Lavern June the 21st / 63
Dear Kate I received your letter a few days ago I delayed writing two days thinking I would give you some ide when I would be at home of which I cab not give yet I an going to ask for a Leave of Absence to day for twenty days It may be granted and it mat not as their apears to be a prospect of active opperations in this department at this time but I think I will be home between this and the first of August as I gave waited so long the first of August would suit me very well then I would be home in hotest part of the season but I will come as soon as I can get leave of the General I will here from my papers by the last of this week then I will write you again and inform you about eh time I will write you again and inform you about the time I will be home if I get leave It has been very warm here for the last two weeks, this morningPg. 2
it is very cool We have been looking some for Morgan The last twenty four hours, we was notified last evening that Morgan was eleven miles this side of Lebanon on the road leading for this place and to be ready to give him a warm reception We got ready but he hasnt come yet I was two late in getting to the Regiment to get paid The paymaster left the asme day that I got here but if I get to come home I can get my money in Louisville or Cincinati I I dont get to come home soon I want you to send me a suit of clothes with K St John when he comes here again I will send with him what I want and he will buy them and you can pay him the money if have it If you havent got it perhaps you can get of someone I am very nearly out of clothing as I have never bought any since I left home except a vest and some comon pants I got of the Quartermaster The Officers of the 79th is puting on a great deal of style at this time and I guess I will have to comence puting on some
Pg. 3
style or I will not be concidered in with them I want a dress suit and a blouse and a pair of boots and two or three woolen shirts, I want to be at home about the time draft takes place If can the soldiers are all very indignant at the ide of the Demmocracy nomminating Volleon for Governor of Ohio and the will give a unanmous vote agains him if the gentleman was to pass through this army going bact to Ohio to take his seat as Governor He ever would get there the railroad would be torn up the cars stoped and I would not give five cents for the chance of his life but there is no danger of his being elected for the Ohio soldiers has a vote for state office this fall and the Democratic will bee beat one hundred thousand I am very ancious to see you all and if I dont get a leave to come home I would not be suprised if I would resign but I supose they would not expect it I want you to give Willie a kiss for me tell the rest
Pg. 4
children I want them to be good and obey their mother I will fetch them something nice when I come home Good by for this time Hoping that I will soon have the pleasure of being with you all soon
Yours effectionatly
T Thompson
My ThoughtsLetter Condition - Pen and ink used was good. Text lines wander a bit.
Historical Notes;
Morgan – Of 'Morgan's Raiders' The band of Confederate Guerillas workinbg this area at this time.
Officers Blouse - Commonly known as an Officers Sack Coat. This was the everyday uniform coat with a loose cut and large pockets.
Common Pants - As Officers had to pay for their uniforms the common pants he got off the Quartermaster was the standard issue sky blue enlisted mans pants. He would have been charged around $1.75 for them if the Quartermaster even listed it.
June 25, 1863
Pg. 2
the time is not for distant when I will be permitted to visit my family honorable without making fals pretentons Some of the Officers are excused from duty about half the time by saying they are sick I have the first time to ask to be excused from duty yet and I hope the first time may never come as long as I have my health I am ready to do my duty let it what it may if it to go on Picket there stand all night in the rain to watch the approch of the enemy or to take part in batle I am ready to do my duty, this is what I came here to do, the duty that I owed to my Country is what induced me to leave my family as I did Would to God this war was done with and this distracted Country was once more at peace This is what the soldiers would like see, but not till the last Trator has laid down his arms, I would not be surpprised if our army and Braggs are fighting at this time
Pg. 3
ours troops have been moving for two or three days and if Bragg stands there will be a battle and perhaps a sever one Evrything indicates that a battle is going on or strong expectations of one, there has been troops moving on the railroad for two days with artilery horses ambulances a great many ambulances This indicates a battle I think the troops that was at times a great many of them has advanced to Shelbyville about 25 miles from Triune I think our troops ocupy that place at this time You may expect triring news from this department soon St John expects to be home next week and if you can spare the money I want him to bring me a suit of clothes I will send some money Perhaps twenty dollars I got thirty two dollars from Charles Fox which I want you to pay to his wife when she calls on you for it We look for the paymaster soon
Pg. 4
and then I will send you some more money If I dont come home as for the harness get John to see what he can get harness in Cincinati for I think that the price that Ingersol asks is high for plane harness If John can get them in Cincinati cheaper get them there That is if he can get them much cheaper I want to patronise Ingersall if if he dont put the Tarif on to high I want Jonathan to drive two horses when you can get them without to much trouble If I had the money I could by the Sutler of this Regiment out very reasonable at this time as he wants to go home I supose John would not come and take it if he would I would like to be partners with him Show him this letter and if he has any notion he can write me immedeatly I can get his tent two horses harness for $600 and the concession I think that a man can clear five hundred dollars a month inb this regiment My respects one a all, I remain your effectonate husband until death
My Thoughts
Letter Condition - Letters are well formed. Lines are dark on the downstroke. Bleed through is there but with the dark ink is not a distraction.
Historical Notes;
Sutler – A merchant authorised to sell to soldiers on a military post. Each regiment was allowed one. Not all regiments did as the profit margin was low contrary to what the soldiers thought. Prices may have been inflated but a limited customer base made this an unatractive venture at best. The Sutler would morph into the Post Exchange or PX of today.
June 29, 1863
Lavern June 25th / 63
Dear Kate I seat myself this morning to answer your letter which I received Monday, one on Monday and the other on Tuesday I stated in my last letter that I had asked for a Leave of Absence which can not be granted at this time except on a surgeons cirtificate but perhaps in a few weeks things will change so I can get home The doctors told me to play sick for a while and would give me a cirtificate but I dont propose to plat sick when I am not sick This it the way the most of the Officers gets to go home I think men in the army should be thankful if they are blessed with good health therefore I think it wrong to feign sickness I would like very much to visit you and the children but I wount pretend to be sick when I am in good health I think it very wrong I think that Pg. 2
the time is not for distant when I will be permitted to visit my family honorable without making fals pretentons Some of the Officers are excused from duty about half the time by saying they are sick I have the first time to ask to be excused from duty yet and I hope the first time may never come as long as I have my health I am ready to do my duty let it what it may if it to go on Picket there stand all night in the rain to watch the approch of the enemy or to take part in batle I am ready to do my duty, this is what I came here to do, the duty that I owed to my Country is what induced me to leave my family as I did Would to God this war was done with and this distracted Country was once more at peace This is what the soldiers would like see, but not till the last Trator has laid down his arms, I would not be surpprised if our army and Braggs are fighting at this time
Pg. 3
ours troops have been moving for two or three days and if Bragg stands there will be a battle and perhaps a sever one Evrything indicates that a battle is going on or strong expectations of one, there has been troops moving on the railroad for two days with artilery horses ambulances a great many ambulances This indicates a battle I think the troops that was at times a great many of them has advanced to Shelbyville about 25 miles from Triune I think our troops ocupy that place at this time You may expect triring news from this department soon St John expects to be home next week and if you can spare the money I want him to bring me a suit of clothes I will send some money Perhaps twenty dollars I got thirty two dollars from Charles Fox which I want you to pay to his wife when she calls on you for it We look for the paymaster soon
Pg. 4
and then I will send you some more money If I dont come home as for the harness get John to see what he can get harness in Cincinati for I think that the price that Ingersol asks is high for plane harness If John can get them in Cincinati cheaper get them there That is if he can get them much cheaper I want to patronise Ingersall if if he dont put the Tarif on to high I want Jonathan to drive two horses when you can get them without to much trouble If I had the money I could by the Sutler of this Regiment out very reasonable at this time as he wants to go home I supose John would not come and take it if he would I would like to be partners with him Show him this letter and if he has any notion he can write me immedeatly I can get his tent two horses harness for $600 and the concession I think that a man can clear five hundred dollars a month inb this regiment My respects one a all, I remain your effectonate husband until death
T Thompson
C ThompsonMy Thoughts
Letter Condition - Letters are well formed. Lines are dark on the downstroke. Bleed through is there but with the dark ink is not a distraction.
Historical Notes;
Sutler – A merchant authorised to sell to soldiers on a military post. Each regiment was allowed one. Not all regiments did as the profit margin was low contrary to what the soldiers thought. Prices may have been inflated but a limited customer base made this an unatractive venture at best. The Sutler would morph into the Post Exchange or PX of today.
Monday evening June the 29th / 63
Dear Kate I seat myself this evening to answer your letter of the 24th I received it yesterday while on Picket Was very glad to here that you was all well I am well I am quite sleepy to night I dont sleep any when on picket Tomorrow all of our Brigade moves to Murfreesboro except the 79th Ohio The 102 Ill is five miles above here I dont now whether they move or not I would not be surprised if we go in a few days We may stay here for some time Our forces is in posession of Tulahoma so I learned this evening We muster for pay tomorrow again I have money enough to do me here but if St John comes home this week I want you to send me some clothing if you can spare the money To get them I will send you a bill of what I would like to have and my clothesPg. 2
I want John Hitsman to buy them or St John I think they can get them at whole sale price and they wont cost me so much I would not get a dress suit but I am all the Officer in the Regiment but what has one and I will have to get one I now gave you a list of what I want
1 Dress Coat Dark Blue with Prety good straps
1 pair pants dark blue with light blue cord
1 Vest dark blue
1 Officers blouse
2 nice woolen shirts
1 box of good paper collers
1 sash
1 good sword belt of good leather
1 pair of good calf boots
I want all to be farily good article and of manufacture that wont fade I want a hat and cord
If you havent got the money to spare which I dont beleive you have dot send the things if you cant
Pg. 3
Get the money of somebody We expect to be paid of in a few days again and then I will send you some money I want you to get the wagon fixed and then I want you to get the harness fixed up and dont lone them to anyone except some of your particular friends and dont lend the horse except in extraordinary and cases, only to those you are under obligation to I sent you aletter the first of this week I expect it was delayed on the road there was a Torpedo placed on the track and the trains was delayed for two days I send you a nice ring which I made my self out of a very nice shell I want you to preserve it as a momento of the Battle of Stone River There was four of our brave Ohio boys fell in a few feet of where I picked up the shell I have some very nice colored shells which I will will make you another and some
Pg. 4
for the children If I had tools I could make some very nice trinkets but I have no tools fir to work with As for the money I owe Mr Corwin I will settle with him when I come home and will come as soon as I can I have wrote to him once or twice but never get any answer I would like to now if there has anybody volunteered in the six months service from our neighborhood Tell John I would like for him to pick those clothing out or get St John to and send me a bill of them so I will now what they cost I am in hopes thease will be all the military clothing I will need while the war lasts I am in hopes that the war will soon be settled ad I think that it will No more this time My respects to all
I remain yours until death
T Thompson
Catherine ThompsonPg. 5
This was in the same envelope
I expected to see St John before he went home I learned to day from a note that I received from him that he started last Monday and I saw the Quartermaster of the 102 to day and he said he had gone If you get this in time for him to bring them send them with him I send you the measure and I think the suit will fit If they come acording to measure the sise ogf the hat is 7 3/8 Boots No 9 large If St John wants to take the Sutlership of the 79th he can buy it no reasonable if he wants it and John Hitsman dont want it Tell him to write me imedeatly and say what he will give for it
Pg 6
We have ten Companies I present the Sharpshooter is with us now Our forces are in possesion of Manchester and Tullihoma and Shelbyville I want a bill of the clothing
T Thompson
My ThoughtsLetter Condition - Good quality ink was used. It looks like the pen is worn with ink blums in the usual places. Some bleed through but with the dark ink is not a distraction.
Enlisted men had clothing issued on a time frame. If they needed more it was deducted from their pay. Officers were responsible for all their uniforms and clothing. Also there was no set uniform so depending on the tailor, they could customize their uniforms a bit.
Historical Note;
Mail - Thorton Thompson in over twenty of his letters kept track of when letters were posted and when he received them. Time in route was about five days. Even when he noted problems with the railroad, due in most part by Morgans men and moving camp while the mail was in transit, this only added about three days to the trip.
Torpedo - Also known as 'Infernal Machines' In late 1862 the Torpedo Service was created by the Confederate forces. The torpedo was what we now call a mine.
Pickets – These would be listening posts set up about a mile from camp every couple hundred yards. Their job was to fire at any advancing force to give warning to the camp. As each post was manned by 4 to 6 men they would of course, then be overrun and captured or killed.
Picket Duty – He would have been assigned charge of five or six picket posts. His camp would have been set up 3 or 4 hundred yards behind the line so he could respond to each as quickly as he could.
Officers Blouse - Commonly known as an Officers Sack Coat. This was the everyday uniform coat with a loose cut and large pockets.![]() |
Officers Blouse (Sack Coat) with Sash. The dark red is for Company Grade Officers |
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