Dec. 1863
Dec. 2, 1863
Cincinati Decm 2d
Mrs Thorton Thompson
When your husband was on his return to the
army a few months since I saw him in this city & he said to me
that if I would send you the amount of my account that he was sending
you money You would pay me - I have since twice since given a
statement & you probably have it with some papers - including the
intrest it ampimnts to over 15000
but if you would send me that much I will give you a recipt in full -
Please to w_______ him from you
H Corwin
Box 1114
Dec. 10, 1863
My Thoughts
Letter Condition - Poor word formation with heavy ink and a well worn pen makes this letter very hard to read. Envelope addressed to Mrs. Thorton Thompson, Butlerville, Warren Co., Ohio. A 3 cent stamp in the upper right hand corner with a postmark of Dec. 2, Cincinati, O.
Butlerville Friday Dec the 10th
Dear Sister and Brother
This evening
finds me started to write to you My family is all well so are your
children and well satisfied Willy never asked about you neither does Flora They think as much of Mary as they do of you Mary
says you can stay and cook for them and they will keep house she
likes house keeping very well I went ofer to see the letter that
you sent and I expect you think you are some out there at Nashville
among the Officers wifes Mrs Whitacer _____ here to day from the
city She called on me being you want
Pg. 2
at homer tell Thomit Prant to know whether that hatter
was good before you got you trunk or not I told you that I would
write and tell you all the news Well Dick George went to hunt him
He found him and left him at Holins John Hitsman went with Unkle Charly to Brown County and expected to be gone two weeks or at lest
John did but thay made fashny toot and got back in three days so you
can see the disapointed all of ous I saw the letter that Thom wrote
that he heard that John was wounded and have had rthreee from him
since He is not hurt He is safe There is two wounded J M
Ingersoll and Wm Clerenge I cannot write much more for I
must write to John to night
Pg. 3
Mothers family is well if you John got a letter from
Thomas He met with bad luck the night after they started home He
got his coat and hat hunt up the house he was boarding at I got hunt up and hunt his close He did not say when he would come If
you should conclude to stay at Nashville said out of luck of your
pain I will have to close Give my respects to all I am aquainted
Marth Baldwin says the same
No more at this time your sister
My Thoughts
Letter Condition - A good pen with heavy ink was used. However poor word formation and heavy bleed through makes this letter hard to read.
Dec. 11, 1863
Dec the 11th 1863
Butlerville Ohio Friday evening
Dear Friend Cate
I take the pen in hand to write you a few lines in
answer to your kind letter that came to hand It found us all well
and in hopes that this will find you the same We are all glad to
hear from you We are getting along very well We ar all well
Willies head is about well and he is getting along fine Floras
cough is about well They all get along very well They dont say
anything about you once in a while they ask if you will be home at
Christmas Your brother has been here to see us and Sarah Ann once
There is no need of them coming so often for we get along very well
If there is any thing get the matter I can send for her, Dizzy is
over evry day or two Their is nothing new so I will not write a
very long letter I have wrote three since you gave been gone I
expect that you have got
Pg. 2
one by this time I expect that you step a round big
out their I would like to see you living in a tent I expect that
you look a kind of home Dont feel much like writing to night
Sissy is writing you a letter to night and she will give you all the
perticulars Jonathan tends to the hors
Good Night
Jenie Mellice
to Cate Please Write Soon
My Thoughts
Letter Condition - A fine pen with heavy ink was used. Good word formation made this letter easy to read even with heavy bleed through.
Wednsday morning
Camp of 79th Regt OVI
Nashville Dec the 30th / 63
Dear Kate
This is a beautiful morning indeed and I must write you a letter It is now about ten oh and I imagine you have about arived at Coshin Pike Station, How I would like to be there with you since you left me I dont think you have traveled the distance of ten miles but what I have thought of you I hope you have arrived home safe I shall look for a letter from you next Sunday, I heard since you left here that nearly all of Company A of the 12th Regt has been captured If you now any thing about it pleas to let me now the particulars There is nothing new here except we are making preperations for a Chirstmas entertainment which was talked of before you left I am on the com____ of orange men to and will be very busy tomorow I am about well and I hope you and teh children are well, hoping you have arived safely at home I remain your effectonat husband
T Thompson
My respects to one and allMy Thoughts
Letter Condition - Fair word formation along with ink smears didn't help with the looks of this letter. However it was still easy to read.
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