Sunday, October 30, 2016

Oct. 1863

Oct. 1863

Oct. 6, 1863
Nashville Oct the 6th / 63
Dear Kate   I received you letter on Sunday just as I was going on duty in town   I was on duty there till this morning   I embraced this the first opportunity to answer it   I was glad to learn that you was all well and that George can use his arm some   I am well and I hope we may all continue have good health   It is quite cool here for the time of year and is raining at this time and to day I must get a shave and put in my tent   It is cold enough to have fire here and I supose the wether is much cooler in Ohio,   I feel very much interest about you getting wood   I want you to get your wood and get some on to saw if for you   Get the Dutchman that I spoke about when I was at home if you can get Mr. Harper to hall
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all the dry wood as soon as you can and then if he will have the balance cut immedeately and hall it before it gets bad wether all right if not get it of somebody els that can do it then get the Dutchman or someone els to saw a day at a time if you can do no better and pile it under the shed   I dont want you to saw wood if you help it you certaly can get someone to do it while Georges arm is sore and then let him saw what he can and if he cant get along get some one to help him   The hogs and pigs you speak about sell if you cab and the old cow also get some foder if you can and straw ad fead the cows   Get some hay perhaps you had better buy by the load   Give Mr the same that he can get at the railroad if he will deliver it
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in the mow and if it is not hay,   There has a great many troops passed by here in the last week   The 11th and 12th Corps has left the Potomack and are passing through here to Chattinooga besides a great many more from other places   There has been a slight antisipation of an attact here but I dont think there is much danger it is rumored that Forest is making some dashes between here and Chattinooga   I understand he got badly whiped a few days ago,   There is plenty of troops in the rear to whip him if they can catch him but we have not a suficent amount of Cavelry in the rear at this time to compete with the force represent to be on the side of the river at present but they will soon be brought here   I dont think Brag will fight at Chattinooga or in Georgia   I think they will
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retreat and disband the army   There and reenforce other points   Some think they will have another hard battle some where near the lat battle ground in Georga   I am quite ancious at present about our army   I think their is going to be a great effort on the part of the rebbels to defeat our army in Georgia   I think if they get defeated there wholy defeated the war will soon come to a close   I can not see how the can cary on the war without they can establish a better curtency than they have at this time,   I saw Whit Anders yesterday   He is here wounded   He is walking around his brother is here _____ is wounded in the side ad Brother is wounded in the ankle and is geting along very well   George Ent is not bad wounded   Edwin neither ths is all this time   your effectionate companion
T. Thompson
To Catharin Thompson
       My Thougts
     Letter Condition - This letter was written in fair ink and a badly worn pen nib.   Text lines are badly spaced and tilted.   I'm not sure but it looks like the salutation is written in a different pen that is even worse.

Oct. 7, 1863
No. 9
Butlerville   Friday Evening   Oct. __ 1863
       Dear Husband   I again take my pen to write a few lines to you to let you know how we are getting along   We are all well but Willie   He is not very well   His face very much swolln you know that he had several sores on his face when you left home   One on his face when you left home   One on his throat and one on his temple that looked like little boils the one in his throat is about well but the one on his temple looks very angry and causes his whole face to swell and it is very much swollen arowne his eye that I think perhaps I think is will in a few days it is for three now   I did not go   George wont to day he went with Mr Flomnopl   John Hitsman next to Conlin to day to see about a Gole   I think that you could tell me what to do about getting hay and cane for they are boath getting very high   Hay is worth twenty and twenty two dollars per tone and I heard to day that cane is worth one dollars per ton in Cincinati if that is    I think if is an auful price   We have not heard eny more news from the 17th Regt save   I wrote before I was mistaken about Alfred St John  writing that Honry Teiteny and George Ent dangerously wounded   I did not her so but it was my guess for I can not find out where it came from the paper gives account  
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of George E of the 17th Regt being wounded   There has not been eny letters from Mr Fox or _____ Elyet   I hope that they are safe and not hurt that family are very uneasy about them   John Elys family is not very well   Boath the boys have the Ague H____ ___ evey day and John evey other day so you know how they are   Mr Charles Beningham has gone in _________ with Mr Franklin in the store   He had s moved in M _____mans house   Mrs Ludtim has a young daughter   It is a week cold to day but I will _____ meeting for the time for its getting late and I am sleepy   Mary Hitsman and her children are staying with me to night   For Gohn being gone and there was no body staying with her on account of the girls going to the fair   Well I will stop writing for to night   How glad I shoud be if you could be home again to stay with and not have leave us again   The children all say they _____ Papa could come home to stay with us and not have to go back to war   I hope that the day is not far off that you can come home to stay with us no more   I must close so good by for a few days   Write as often as you an and I will also so we can hear from each other   If we can not be together and I remain your affectonate Wife until Death Catheran Thompson
Thorton Thompson
Written in the lower right hand margin
I leave one half blank so you can use it
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No 7                                                  Oct. the 7th / 63
Dear Kate   I received hyou letter this morning   I am sorey to here that Willie is not well but I am in hopes there is nothing serious about his case   I am well   We are still in Nashville from the best information I can get Lt Ely and Capt Foses all right  Lt Ely had command of Comp E during the battle and Capt Fox was acting as Major, the last I heard from Col Ward he was considered that the chances was in his favor, I hope he will recover   Alfred St John is bording at a private house in Nashville   He is walking about but looks bad   Edwin is in the hospital and George Ent is in this hospital in town   I have not heard from Mr Zimmers only that he was dangerously wounded   I am anceous to here from him   Is any one gets a letter from the 17th giving any information about any of the boys from our neighborhood write to me and give me the particulars, as for the hay if you cant get any foder get a load or two of hay and some straw if you can   Get it and feed Brand and Ship Stuff to the horse and cow as much as possible   Sell the old cow and the 
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and two hogs and all the pigs but two if you can make slops out of Brand and Ship Stuff for the hogs and pigs, and if feed gets high other things will be high especialy stock so we will have to do the best we can   This is all at this time, I supose there will be one hundred pieces of artilery pass through this town in the next two days
Yours effectonatly
Thorton Thompson
Written about the margin on Pg. 1
I _____that I will have troble to get _____ to keep us stock for I have been _____ to _______ but have not my yet   I could get a stack of hay but they are so large that we can not get one in the _____ and I think tht we will not need so much
       My Thoughts
     Letter Condition - First off, pages 1 & 2 were written in a fine pointed pen with pages 3 & 4 in a more standard point pen.   The ink used sees to have been a good dark ink but blums would indicate damp conditions during writing.

Oct. 11, 1863
Nashville   Oct the 11th / 63
Dear Kate   I received your of the 6th this morning   I came off Picket this morning when I got to my quarters I received the letter and much pleased for I had been looking for one for two days, I supose you have received two letters from me since you wrote, I am very sorey to here of the death of Oliver Jackson, I supose Edivin St John and his father has arrived at home or will be at home by Monday   I understand they started yesterday   I am not very well to day   I had an attack of Cholery Morbuy last night and I feel quite slim to day but I will be all right in a day or two   I am sorey to here that Willie is not well but hope that their is not anything serious in his case   I am in hopes that George will soon begin to mend his arm  Let me now whether he can bend his elbow joint or not, there is a prospect of a rendenivous, Battle being fought between the two armies in this department   Soon I supose the rebbels is sending all their avalible forces to Brag   Rosencrans is being havly reinforced from the Potomac by Burnside and Sherman Corps is on the way at this time and the rebes is bound to be whiped, if their is a fight if this does take place it will be a decisive blow and if we are successful I think the war will soon
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be over, you speak about the hers   I think it ought to be trimed but if you and Johnathan think it will do all right you speak about getting a skirt and stuff for a cloak all right get what you want to in the way of clothing and I will satisfied if it is so     You can come abnd see me   I want you to come and I want you to have all the necesaries to make you comfortable and respectable in the way of clothing   It will be impossible for you to come until things settle down in this department   I wish you was here now, from your better I think the chance is pretty good to get feed you can get plenty of corn as soon the new crop is get here   You said in your last letter that John Hitsman had gone to Collumbus to get a job   Has he got one   Has the company in Butlerville got their arms yet, their is some rurmars that we will have here soon but I ant see it   Give my respects to Mary and all the rest of the friends, let me know in your next letter you have got any winter apples or not   I remain yours until death
T Thompson
To Catharen Thompson
I would like to see you here to night   I thing we would have a social chat dont you think so

       My Thoughts
     Letter Condition - It looks like he took his time with this letter.   Good pen and ink.  Well formed words with just a touch of flourish added.   The envelope is addressed Mrs T Thompson, Butlerville, Warren Co., Ohio, Oct. the 11   Nos 7 in answer to ____.   There is a 3 cent stamp in the upper right hand corner.   It is postmarked Oct. 12, Nashville, Tenn.

Oct. 17, 1863
Nashville       Oct. the 17th / 63
Dear Kate   I received two letters from you this week   I received one on Tuesday morning just as I was going on duty and I received the other this morning that I cane off duty   I will answer both at once   I am well and I am glad to here that you are as well as you are   We are still at Nashville doing guard duty, how long we will stay here I cant tell   The army of the Cumberland is undergoing a nesesary aunzation at this time and when that is completed we an tell what will be done with this regiment W may be called to the front and it may be that we will stay here all winter   This will be decided soon   I supose I want you to state in your next letter when you like to come to Nashville or to here you will be ready to come and I will endever a pass for you and send it to you   I supose it would be best to see whether we will stay here or not before you come for we may be ordered to the front any day   But if we stay here until after the organisation of the army is completed then we will likely to stay here all winter, in you last letter you say the Union Party had a meeting at Butlerville and according to the letter the Butlerville's acted very disgracefully and they deserves the same and
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detestation of all good citizens you say they halowed niger and abolisinests well if all those that voted for Bragheis alioliteanes (?) their is a grat many in the state this year for according to the returns we have broug will get one hundred thousand majority   We had five vollandig    Have voted in our regiment and the say they are a shammed that they voted for him and would not have voted for him if it had not have been for thier friends at home advising them to do so   There was not a vol vote in Comp D nor in Comp B my old Comp   I think bat thoughts and Company will find out that the soldiers dont consider that they are their friends   I think Mr James Runyonj has imortalised his name in the estimation of the public by his gentlemanly conduct toward those ladies as for the other two I have nothing to say where there is little going there is not much regard   Mr Kenny thinks that they had ought of opened the old abolitions home   I dont beleive if it had not of for those men he terms abolitionest   That house would ever bean built, I am quite certain that a community of such men as him would never build a church and if another community would build them a house to worship God in they would let their preachers starve
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Such men should not be suported by the Loyal portion of the public in any way whatever they should be made to earn their living by the swet of their brow, I dont supose Mr Runyon would object to selling one of those abolitionest goods if he thought he could make five cts in the operation.   If my man ever deserved proscrition it is Mr James Runyan, and for as I am concerned I dont want you to patronise him in no way, as for the corn you speak about, you need not be in a hurry about buying for I think it is going to ebr about as high this fall as it will be next spring when you can get good sound corn, when you write please to give the particulars about Georges are   George wants to now what is the least I will take for my gun   I will take ($10) for it and the __gin   If you cant get any more get all you can if yoy dab get ten dollar for Dick sell him if not keep him and keep him tied and dont let every body use him   If Price wants to hunt with him let him have him   I dont want him spoiled if he is not alardy   This all at this time   My respcts to one and all of the friends my enemies I disregarde if I have any
I remaine effectonatly
T Thompson
Catharine Thompson4
       My Thoughts
     Letter Condition - This letter was written with time.   Even though the letters are small they are well formed.   A good fine point pen wa used along with good dark ink.   The paper was poor with some bleed through.   The envelope was addressed Mrs. T Thompson, Butlerville, Warren Co., Ohio, No 8  9.   A 3 cent stamp is in the upper right had corner and the post mark is dated Oct. 18, 63, Nashville, Tenn.

Oct. 20, 1863
Nashville Tenn   Oct the 20 / 63
Dear Kate   I received yours of the 21th yesterday,   I am glad to here that you are all well, but would of been better satisfied if you had a stated how Georges arm was   I supose you forgot to   I am well   I feel better than I have for three months   We are still in Nashville and expect to stay here for some time, I learn that there has been a great excitment in your vicinity about the 79th Regt which is all fats   I supose you have learned this by this time or will before this reaches you, I supose you have learned other particklars ass regard the casulities of the 11th   Out Regt by this time at least as much as I now and I shall say nothing about it, Edwin, St John and George Ent is in Nashville both slightly wounded and are getting along very well, I understand I have not seen them myself, I saw  St John yesterday   He looks bad   He has had the chills   I Alfred St John on Wednesday and he is well   I have saw
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J. B. Bowman a few days ago   He is well   HJis eye is nearly well, Harvey Goodpate started for his Regiment before I arrived hjere, I learn he is Steventson and I supoes he will come back here for I learn that his wound is still runing and I think he will be sent back   I forgot to tell you send that ten dollars to Mrs Danghrety before I left home   Send her the money   I think you will have a chance to send it by some one soon if not send it but mail to me now if you have got any corn yet and all teh particularts   It has been raining for two days but has cleared off and the sun shins quigte warm   Has the Vallandigham Winhead and more forgets since I dame home   I dont think he will get one vote in the Regiment   F. G. Jeill wrote a letter to a man in this Regiment by the name of Atikinson advising him to vote for the Trator, and he wrote back to him that he would not fore for a Trator   He also sent him a paper and some villandig him to visit   I wont call them
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auristocrates for it would be a dis___ to the term   I send you some more photographs and will continue to send as fast as I receive them, I Will write again in a few days
Yours Effectonatly
T Thompson

       My Thoughts
     Letter Condition - Written with a worn pen and fair ink.   A lot of bleed through indicates either runny ink or damp conditions when the letter was written.
     The Regimental History does not list a battle at this time for the 79th.   It is possible that this was a skirmish or ambush that wouldn't have been listed as a battle.

Oct. 20, 1863
No 8                                                                    63
Butlerville Tuesday Evening Oct. the 20th
Dear Husband I hastenh to answer your letter of the 17th which I received to day and I supose you it was welcom It found us all tollorable well William is not well yet for that place on his temple is better swolen sore and runs a great deal and appears very sore so that he dose not appear to lay on that side of his head The place that rises up is a lout as large as a half a dollar I oppen it every day and is runs each time and did think that I would tell William that there is a largte knot swelled under his ear and has been there all the time that his head has been sore, but I still beleive in hopes that it is anything serious for it does not make him sick You wanted me to write the particulars about Georges arm Well I do not know what to say but I am a little fearfull that he will never have good use of his arm again for he cannot bend
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the elbo but very little if eny I have thought more of having some other doctor exame his arm to see if they think it is sight or not I hope that it is right before I fear it is not Your wanted to know If I had got my _____ _____ yesterday Elizabeth Ely and John Hitsman ahd Jonathan and Charles Tenisoh have all got our _____ _______ we got them of Mr Baldwin of of the old place Gran the old of Baldwin farm They are what we call the Homel or Wilson aplace We paid twenty cts a piece but I had gather those _____ I got seven _____ and a half I have also engaged three or four bus of apples of Mr Andrew Spence I dont know what I will have to give for flower but they are such nice apples that I thought I would a few lines for I thought perhaps you would get to come home towards spring to help ear them and I hope that I may not be mistaken You wanted to have where I would oike to go to Nashville or where I wouod be
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ready to go if I do not go in two weeks I a not to for several weeks for Mother and William are going to all to write Thomas Kelly and _______ and I do not want to go away from home to leave the children when William is gone also for I would not be contented if I did so I do not go so as to get back before around the last of next week I will have to wait until about the last of December for Mother expects to be gone about three weeks and perhaps four weeks the season I do not want to go when Mother is gone Lizzy will not be home either for is going to keep house for Mother As you know of enything should happen the children If I am gone they could not be here to attend them or take care of them so you know that I  would feels uneasy about them and could not enjoy my visit for I know I will be hard to go and leave Willie at home anbd be away leave him so long wheas to know that Mother and Lizzy are longing
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to help to take care of him if he should get sick or eny of the rest of them I want to go to see you very much but still I know that if will had to be away from the children while I shall be gone If you would rather that I would stay at home I will do so You know that there is nothing but my childrenh that could keep me from going and being with you but we both know this can not be for I can not leave our little children for a short time How glad I should be if I could being there all to see you but I know that is imposible John may be will have some ________________ for you if you get to come home again soon I Flora and Willie to Mother last Monday and John and Alice and I went out all and gathered a bus of hickerynuts before three oclock ready every body in town was out a hicory nut hunting that day as it was a windy day and the nuts fell very fast There has been sight North of _______ and some rain to night so I think is will be a good day again tomorow George said when he went to bed that he wanted to go early use the necisary again We have about two bus and Josha Hitsman went to Rollisburg to day George Kohme says he would like to have Dick this winter and would take good care of things or will leave home but he very offered five dollars for him   Dick got loose all yesterday and ran off to Tazwells up house Mill _____ _____ strong he dont have
       My Thoughts
     Letter Condition - This is a poor letter.   He uses good dark ink but many ink blums shows a poor pen was used.   The word formation starts fair on page 1 but degrades by the end of the letter.

Oct. 21, 1863
Oct the 21st / 63
     Dear Kate   I seat myself this afternoon to write in answer to your two last letters no six and seven   No seven   I received this morning   I am glad to here that you are all well as your letter stated that you was all getting better of your colds   I am well as comon and the health of the regiment is very good at this time   We are still doing the same duty it has been reining for several days and the river has raised ten feet, we look for a fleet of boats up every day, I have no news front, I guess all is quiet   As for as fighting, General Grant passed through here yesterday   Also General Halperson, accompanied by the staff   They are going to the front   General Sherman has gone up the Tennsee River with thirty thousand men, Grant takes command
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of all the forces operating in the south west General Thomas I supose takes Rosencrans comand   Hooker has comand of the troops here from the Potomac   I supose Burnside will still comand the forces now under him, I see by this morning paper that Rosencrans is ordered to suport at Cincinati forth with what this means I cant tell, some persons appears to be dissatisfied but I supose it is all right   I am glad to here that the citizens of Butlerville had a good time over the election news, why didn't they give a grown or two for some of the rest of the men that took an active part in the affirs at the church esspecly the man that Halbwed, Niger, abolitohist to them, I want you to send to George Hitsman and a saw that he had of mine and put it in the chest   I dont think I put my rip saw in the chest   If not got Johnathan to put it in and all the rest of the tools
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that I left out, I want you to get the bills that belong to the mortising machine and rap them up and put them in the chest and let no one use them except Johnathan and dont forget to get my level and saw   The first time you go to Tilford Hearts it is raining at this time and is quite cool   Joseph Minick is well when you want to come to Nashville write and you will have to write two or three weeks before you want to to come so I ab send you a pass   Give my respects to one and all of the friends, Pleas to let me now if I sent you Lt Col A W Doan photograph or not, I remain yours until death
T Thompson
Catherine Thompson
My Respects to Mary Roll
       My Thoughts
     Letter Condition - He took his time with this one.   Words are well formed with a little flourish here and there.   No bleed through made this letter a pleasure to read.

Oct. 29, 1863
Nashville Oct the 29th / 63
Dear Kate I received yours of the 23rd yesterday morning      Was glad to here that you are all well as you are.    But I am sorey to here that Georges arm improved so slow I fear his are will always be stiff      I am well, my health has improved very much since I left home You spoke about William Harper I have been inquiring for him ever since the battle but cant here any thing as to his whereabouts I learned that he was severly wounded in the foot before I received your letter He may be in Nashville but I have not found him yet      It may be that he is at Bridgeport I expect to go to Bridgeport soon    If I go I will endevor to find him if he is there    If I have the opportunity George Ent is poorly I fear he will not recover I am looking for his father here to night I see a St John Goodpaster and
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Bowman every few days They are all well except Alfred His health is not good I dont think William Harper is a prisoner If he was taken prosoner his was released All the wounded was given up to and they was sent to different hospitals and some of them are in Nashville I will inform you if do find him where he is and his condition, I want to now when you think of coming to Nashville and I wold like to now whether Mr Harper has halled all that wook yet or not If he has not you had better get wood of some one else That will hall if all before the rods get mudy When you come here got Unkle Charles to come and stay and take care of the stock while you are gone If you can and if you think it best geet him to stay all winter If he dont work any place ef you can, and you an make teh arrangements to send yourself I think there is to much work for you to do out of doors
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to attend to all of the stock and you must have somebody tosaw the wood I think that this war will be ended soon I think the rebs is very near played out a great deal nearer than a great many think they are bound to retreat from the front of Chattanooga or fight and get whiped and when that army is whiped oncd more I think will be done, you didn't say in your letter whether you had got there photographs I sent yoy last I send you Lt Fooses photograph in this he Adjutnat of our Regiment his wife is here and Capt Kisers wife is still here She is talking of going home soon Lt Patterson wife started nome yesterday morning Weare going to move our camp in a few days across the river I am looking for St John here to night I guess I canb get you a pass any time you wanbt to come If there is anyone want to come with you I will endever to get them a pass
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if you will inform me who it is if you can borrow a trunk of some one I guess I will get you to bring me something when you come It is uncertain about the Regiment being paid in next month I am nearly out of money I paid my debts and loned some to some of my friends and if we are not paid I supose I will have to get you to bring me some money with you if you have it to spare It cost me about five dollrs a week to live here I would like to now whether you furnished the coffin for Oliver Jackson or not Joseph Minch is well I will close for this time hoping to see you soon, and, I hope I will soon have the satisfaction of meeting you all at home never to return to the unpleasent duty which attends a soldiers life There is nothing pleasent in the duty of a soldiers life except when he thins of the duty he owes to his country for the protection which him and his forefathers has recived and generations to come may receive then his duties apear pleasant and he does it without a murmur it is astonishing to see them stand in the rain Cold as may be from morning till night and from dark till day
Your effectonate Husband
T Thompson
Catharine Thompson
       My Thoughts
     Letter Condition - Words well formed with good ink and a fair pen.   Text lines well spaced for the most part.   Got a little cramped in page 4 but still not bad.
       Historical Notes;
     Parol – In the field soldiers  rarely had any means to take on prisoners so what was offered was Parol. This was a signed promise to go home and await word that he had been exchanged before returning to military duty.
     Photographs - Ambrotypes which were photographs on glass, and CDV's the same on thin cardboard were expensive but sought after by most men.   Few could be printed and had to be taken for as many prints as were needed.

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